Wednesday word of the week – Blurb

blurb is a short description of a book or film for promotional purposes. They’re devilishly difficult to write (though not as bad as a synopsis!)

Talking of blurbs here’s the one for my latest cosy crime novel, which will be released later this month and can be ordered here.


Muriel Grahame has kept a secret for seven decades. It’s protected her and loved ones, given them freedom and opportunities. She’s grateful for the chances, the happiness, she’s had. Her wish is to give those gifts to others.
Crystal Clere has mysteries to solve. Some are fun, like the test her police colleagues set to celebrate her move to CID. Others, like Adam’s belief he’s discovered vital information and friend Ellie’s non existent love life are just puzzling. Murder, and further attacks on residents of Little Mallow, are puzzling too but no fun at all.
Muriel wanted to silence gossip for fear it would lead to her secret being uncovered. Now she worries more people will suffer unless she reveals it. But how can she, when the secret is not hers alone?
Crystal gets people talking with cake baking, birthday parties, coffee and questions, questions, questions. She’s sifting through insinuations, speculation and lies to get at the truth.
Can the two women replace fear with joy, and move on with their lives?


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