Emotional with a pinch of hope

I’ve had a rather wonderful review of the audiobook version of my novel Paint Me A picture.

Paint Me A Picture by Patsy Collins is like a burst of sunshine on a rainy day! This story is deep and emotional with a pinch of hope. This story feels so real, so raw, and so relevant nowadays, I can’t believe it was first published in 2012!

The main character Mavis… oh my, all I wanted was to give her a massive cuddle! There wasn’t a reference to autistic trades (and in 2012 there wasn’t kind of enough awareness out there) but for me, it felt that Mavis falls into the Neurodiverse pond. I loved to see the daily struggles and successes through Mavis’s eyes!

Mavis has a plan to end things, she had enough at the same time she will take any chance to delay her plan. And then things and events unfold and life takes completely different turns!

This is my second book by Patsy Collins and I found that I absolutely love her writing! It’s so friendly, so down to the ground, and it connect with you on completely different level!

I listened to an audiobook narrated by Deborah Keating and this is one of the books where you feel how the narrator connects with the book and the combination of writing style and narration brings a brilliant experience. Absolutely and highly recommend this audiobook!

I am looking forward all other books by Patsy Collins that I have and who will be released!

If you read and loved The Maid by Nita Prose you will love this book!”

Paint Me A Picture is available here to buy as an audio book, ebook, paperback or through kindle unlimited. It’s on Audible (as a free trial for new listeners) it can be ordered through bookshops, or requested at your local library.

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