A Way With Words

A Way With Words: a collection of 25 short stories.

We may choose our words carefully or use them without thought. They might be employed to get our message across, or hide what we’re feeling. They can be tools, gifts or weapons. We need them for the games we play, the work we do and the excuses we make.

Words are written or typed, texted, emailed, signed or spoken. They’re heard, misheard, remembered forever or forgotten in an instant. Strung together they create fact or fiction, tell lies or the truth.

Whether compliments or taunts, hard to spell or difficult to say, formal, familiar or foreign, long or short, the words we use all influence the stories we tell. This book contains 25 of them.

Available as paperback and ebook. Get in in both formats from Amazon, or read via kindle unlimited here. Alternatively order the paperback from your library or bookshop.

Review quotes

I loved this book of short stories, each one so engaging that I read more than a few at a time… The stories are clever and interesting, you’ll start thinking you know what’s going on and then they’ll be a twist which will make you realise you were wrong. … I enjoyed all the stories, there’s a good mix of mystery, love stories, stories of friendship and family. 

Jen on Amazon.uk 5 stars

If you enjoy short stories that are easy to read with a twist at the end, you will love these.


L t R Amazon.com 5 stars

A most enjoyable set of short stories. Each one is different with some intriguing plots. 

Maria Goodreads 5 stars

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