All That Love Stuff

perf5.000x8.000.inddAll That Love Stuff: a collection of 24 short stories

Richard’s gone shopping for romance at the supermarket, Sally tries a smart way to get her man, Kirstey turns arty and Natalie just waits. And waits. And waits. Will their efforts be rewarded?

Heidi has always known she and Carl are perfect for each other. He’s much cleverer than her, so why does he continue to search the sky for his sign, when she’s standing right next to him?

Moths can’t shimmer and dazzle like newly emerged butterflies, people in wheelchairs don’t climb mountains, those who’re different rarely see themselves as perfect – unless they’re helped to do so by someone who loves them. And only if they accept that help. Others use more extreme means to find love; getting bound and gagged, being nice to children – even poetry!

Molly has her husband, but not his attention, the old man had a companion once but is alone again and Siobhan Desire was never the person she claimed to be. Will love return for any of them?

Whether they’re together forever, broken-hearted, or still trying to make it work, anyone who has loved has a story to tell. This collection contains 24 of them.

Get the paperback from your local bookshop or library, from Amazon in paperback or ebook formats here. Also available through Kindle Unlimited.

Review extracts

A great collection of stories that you can’t stop reading.

Amazon 5 stars

Lovely stories to read anytime and make you feel better. 

Amazon 5 stars

A delightful collection of short stories. Settle down with a cup of coffee, a chocolate biscuit and treat yourself to one of the stories.

Amazon 5 stars

Heartwarming romantic short stories perfect for women’s magazines readers. Believable characters and situations. There is nothing not to like in this book.

Amazon 5 stars

Perhaps because I’m such a romance fan, I liked these short takes on it.

Goodreads 4 stars

The stories are very upbeat, and just a good length for a coffee break-

Amazon 5 stars

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