Are We Nearly Famous?

This (usually free) collection of short stories is about journeys; literal, metaphorical and literary. Those both of the characters and the authors.

Ailsa travels to Scotland and begins the journey of recovery after life-saving surgery. The Smith family take two trips in one, and their reactions to each bring them closer as a family. Esperanza doesn’t just switch locations but swaps one life for another, each change taking her away from everything she knows and ever closer to the independence she needs to be truly happy.

In Italy, Pedro learns about the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Lisa’s journey also begin with a death, which leads her on a search for the truth about her own life.

Marty, just like her creator, moves to the Island of La Palma and takes strides forward in both her career and love life. Although Saffy and Jess both remain in the United Kingdom, their own emotional journeys are similar in several ways. They each want to make a difference with their work, and meet men who share this passion and ignite their own.

Patsy, Rosemary, Sheila and Lynne are four friends who, although successful in specific writing fields, aren’t yet well known to the general reading public. Together we’re raising awareness of our work, and hope you’ll help us do the same by reading this free collection, telling others about it and leaving us a review. We’re not really asking ‘Are We Nearly Famous?’ as we know the answer!

Get it here.

Review extracts

‘Are We Nearly Famous’ introduces four writers and their work, who you may wish to read more of. … All the stories and writing styles are different, yet each is engaging, and satisfying. 

Kathleen 5 stars

Great collection of stories from four writers who have unique styles. I enjoyed the fluctuations in moving from one author to another.

Biff 5 stars

 I wish it had been longer as I thoroughly enjoyed my read, but it does make me eager to read more from each of them.

Maria Goodreads 4 stars

A delightful collection of well written short stories with captivating themes.

Fay Goodreads 4 stars