Not A Drop To Drink

nnadtd1Not A Drop To Drink: a free collection of 7 short stories. Get it on Amazon here or from other retailers here.

Scientists say the human body is around 70% water. We know that’s not true.

Oh, we could drink ‘straight’ H20, but usually we don’t. More likely it’s vitamin rich juice or teeth rotting cola. We like a nice cup of tea to calm us down or cheer us up. Perhaps a nice glass of wine to celebrate or drown our sorrows. Two glasses. Too many glasses.

Our bodies do contain liquid of course. Never just water. What’s in yours; acid and bile or the milk of human kindness? Blood, sweat and tears of joy or sorrow?

It’s these waters Patsy hopes you’ll find running through her stories.

Get it here (usually free) or here (always free)

Review extracts

Great read with a glass of wine. Very entertaining.

Ruthie Amazon.UK 5 stars

I loved this clever collection of easy-to-read short stories.

Fay Goodreads 5 stars

every story left me with a fuller heart… it’ll fill your cup and leave you hopeful.

Joshua 5 stars

 Refreshingly unpredictable short stories.

DawnB Amazon.UK 5 stars

each story is fresh and different.

Liz Goodreads 5 stars

a quirky collection of short stories that share a common thread- they all have water at their essence

Fiona Goodreads 5 stars


Jen Amazon.UK 5 stars

keeps the reader guessing until the end

Fiona Goodreads 5 stars

Get it for free here or here .

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