With Love And Kisses

perf5.000x8.000.inddWith Love And Kisses: a collection of 25 short stories.

Isabelle was dared to go in search of love, Julia attempts to win it, and Beverly searches in the small print. Anne puts on a lavish dress, Angie dons a nice new waterproof jacket and Tracie removes her clothes. All of them want the same thing – to love and be loved. Others use more extreme methods in their quest for romance; marriage brokers and weird dogs, historic ships, even stolen magic dust.

Andrew has proposed to Jemima many times, as part of plays they’ve acted in together. It never meant anything, although when she accepted, he always wished it did. Now it’s her asking him and he doesn’t see the words on his script. What’s going on?

Dan too has made numerous proposals to Sharon. She likes him a lot, he’s a good man with a good job and the father of her child, yet still she says no. Is that because she’s still interested in one of the four Thomas Hardy’s who’ve crowded her life?

Whether they’re together forever, broken-hearted, or still trying to make it work, anyone who has loved has a story to tell. This collection contains 25 of them.

Available as paperback and ebook. Get in in both formats from Amazon, or read via kindle unlimited here. Alternatively order the paperback from your library or bookshop.

Review extracts

Very enjoyable read, lots of different story lines.

Sandra Amazon.co.uk 5 stars

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