Little Mallow series

This Inside Scoop and Stories From Little Mallow

This introduction to Little Mallow is available free to those who sign up to my newsletter. It takes te form of a special edition of Little Mallow’s community magazine and contains directions to Little Mallow, short stories and a small insight to a few of the characters.

There’s also cake recipe. Be warned – this is not a low calories series!




Disguised Murder and Community Spirit in Little Mallow

This is the first book in the series and is available here as an ebook and paperback, or can be read through kindle unlimited. You can also order it through bookshops, or request it at your local library.

More details here.




Dependable Friends and Deceitful Neighbours in Little Mallow

This is the second book in the series. It will be released in July 2024. You can place a pre order here.

More details here.