I tagliatelle, you’re gnocchi going to believe it

Sorry to do your noodle in, but I like a good pun. And by good of course I mean terrible! You might think they’re pasta their sell by date, and even I cannoli take so many… Anyway, it seems the judges of Best magazine’s love story competition quite like them, as my high carb effort is the runner up. (I won more than a penne!)

If you fancy having a go at a writing competition, then visit my Womagwriter blog. I post about at least one free to enter contest every week.

Wednesday word of the week – Substantial

Substantial means, of considerable importance, size or value. It also describes something strongly built or made (in the case of my cakes sometimes both meanings apply!) Another meaning is concerning the substantial points of something.

Substantially either means to a great extent, or for the most part.

To say that the substance of my substantial (100,000 words!) novel, Paint Me a Picture, concerns Mavis’s relationships with her family and colleagues is substantially correct.

Release day!

Deadly Words and Innocent Gossip in Little Mallow, the third book in my cosy mystery series is out today!
Here’s the blurb –

Muriel Grahame has kept a secret for seven decades. It’s protected her and loved ones, given them freedom and opportunities. She’s grateful for the chances, the happiness, she’s had. Her wish is to give those gifts to others.

Crystal Clere has mysteries to solve. Some are fun, like the test her police colleagues set to celebrate her move to CID. Others, like Adam’s belief he’s discovered vital information, and friend Ellie’s non existent love life, are just puzzling. Murder, and further attacks on residents of Little Mallow, are puzzling too but no fun at all.

Muriel wanted to silence gossip for fear it would lead to her secret being uncovered. Now she worries more people will suffer unless she reveals it. But how can she, when the secret is not hers alone?

Crystal gets people talking with cake baking, birthday parties, coffee and questions, questions, questions. She’s sifting through insinuations, speculation and lies to get at the truth.

Can the two women replace fear with joy, and move on with their lives?

You can buy as a paperback or ebook or read through kindle unlimited here, order through your bookshop, request at your library, or get a signed copy from The Bookshop at Lee-on-the-Solent. If you pop in between 10.30 and 2.30 tomorrow, you’ll also get to meet me!

Emotional with a pinch of hope

I’ve had a rather wonderful review of the audiobook version of my novel Paint Me A picture.

Paint Me A Picture by Patsy Collins is like a burst of sunshine on a rainy day! This story is deep and emotional with a pinch of hope. This story feels so real, so raw, and so relevant nowadays, I can’t believe it was first published in 2012!

The main character Mavis… oh my, all I wanted was to give her a massive cuddle! There wasn’t a reference to autistic trades (and in 2012 there wasn’t kind of enough awareness out there) but for me, it felt that Mavis falls into the Neurodiverse pond. I loved to see the daily struggles and successes through Mavis’s eyes!

Mavis has a plan to end things, she had enough at the same time she will take any chance to delay her plan. And then things and events unfold and life takes completely different turns!

This is my second book by Patsy Collins and I found that I absolutely love her writing! It’s so friendly, so down to the ground, and it connect with you on completely different level!

I listened to an audiobook narrated by Deborah Keating and this is one of the books where you feel how the narrator connects with the book and the combination of writing style and narration brings a brilliant experience. Absolutely and highly recommend this audiobook!

I am looking forward all other books by Patsy Collins that I have and who will be released!

If you read and loved The Maid by Nita Prose you will love this book!”

Paint Me A Picture is available here to buy as an audio book, ebook, paperback or through kindle unlimited. It’s on Audible (as a free trial for new listeners) it can be ordered through bookshops, or requested at your local library.

Wednesday word of the week – Blurb

blurb is a short description of a book or film for promotional purposes. They’re devilishly difficult to write (though not as bad as a synopsis!)

Talking of blurbs here’s the one for my latest cosy crime novel, which will be released later this month and can be ordered here.


Muriel Grahame has kept a secret for seven decades. It’s protected her and loved ones, given them freedom and opportunities. She’s grateful for the chances, the happiness, she’s had. Her wish is to give those gifts to others.
Crystal Clere has mysteries to solve. Some are fun, like the test her police colleagues set to celebrate her move to CID. Others, like Adam’s belief he’s discovered vital information and friend Ellie’s non existent love life are just puzzling. Murder, and further attacks on residents of Little Mallow, are puzzling too but no fun at all.
Muriel wanted to silence gossip for fear it would lead to her secret being uncovered. Now she worries more people will suffer unless she reveals it. But how can she, when the secret is not hers alone?
Crystal gets people talking with cake baking, birthday parties, coffee and questions, questions, questions. She’s sifting through insinuations, speculation and lies to get at the truth.
Can the two women replace fear with joy, and move on with their lives?