Based on a true story

My story Stop Thief, which is in the current issue of Take a Break’s Fiction Feast is based on a true story. At least, it’s based on a true story to the extent that many historical films and TV programmes seem to be – extremely loosely!

I once worked somewhere which had security on the entrance/exit. One day a random* search revealed a member of staff had stolen some toilet rolls. It wasn’t even good stuff, but that awful tracing paper type stuff. They got the sack.

This was thirty years. Nothing I’ve ever witnessed is safe from being turned into a story!

Naturally I’m pleased the story has been published. Fortunately one of the illustrations provides a suggestion of how to celebrate.

*We were told it was random, but I’m not sure. Almost every random search seemed to reveal someone was up to no good, so I expect there were a few tip offs.

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