Aunt Glenda’s Cottage

Aunt Glenda’s Cottage is the name of my story in the current (May) issue of Take A Break’s Fiction Feast.
Isn’t that a lovely illustration – and very much how I imagined the cottage as I wrote the story.

This particular tale began life as an entry for my local writing group’s short story competition. At least, that was the plan! We had to include beads, baubles and boxes, which I had no trouble with (Glenda has plenty in her attic).

The problem was that the story had to be no more than 1,000 words, and this one is nearly double that. I rewrote it for the magazine, and created a new one for the competition (which won!).

Both were crime stories, using the same prompt, and involved attics and a bully, but are far more different than that might make them sound.

A Change

My story A Change Of Outlook is in the current (April) edition of Take A Break’s Fiction Feast.

It’s not unusual for editors to change the title the author gave the story. In this case that hasn’t happened, but a character’s name has been changed – form Edith to Patricia. I’ve no idea why, although I’m sure there will have been a logical reason. Perhaps there’s another character called Edith in this issue. As I’ve not read it all I’m not sure. Such changes don’t matter, and don’t bother me, but I do wonder why they’ve been made.

Based on a true story

My story Stop Thief, which is in the current issue of Take a Break’s Fiction Feast is based on a true story. At least, it’s based on a true story to the extent that many historical films and TV programmes seem to be – extremely loosely!

I once worked somewhere which had security on the entrance/exit. One day a random* search revealed a member of staff had stolen some toilet rolls. It wasn’t even good stuff, but that awful tracing paper type stuff. They got the sack.

This was thirty years. Nothing I’ve ever witnessed is safe from being turned into a story!

Naturally I’m pleased the story has been published. Fortunately one of the illustrations provides a suggestion of how to celebrate.

*We were told it was random, but I’m not sure. Almost every random search seemed to reveal someone was up to no good, so I expect there were a few tip offs.