A week of wandering

I recently attended Bristol literary festival and took part in the first ever book busk organised as part of this event. It was a fun thing to try and I met up with some writers I’ve known virtually for a long time but hadn’t previously met in person.



For the busking, I read two short stories from my collection Slightly Spooky Stories I.





From Bristol we went up to Wales and visited some castles, then on hallowe’en we went to Tintern Abbey. As this is floodlit after dark, we decided to take some nightshots. It was a slightly misty evening, with an almost full moon and owls calling – very atmospheric!

3 thoughts on “A week of wandering

  1. Sorry, Beatrice – your comment went into spam and I’ve only just spotted it.

    You have to watch those campervan types – park anywhere they will πŸ˜‰

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