Wednesday word of the week – quadrennial

Quadrennial can either mean lasting for four years, or recurring every four years. That’s rather confusing, isn’t it? Suppose I told you I had a cake eating binge on a quadrennial basis – would that mean I stuffed myself silly for forty-eight consecutive months, or that I lasted almost four years between blow-outs?

Now you’re confused over the meaning of a word which you hadn’t previously even knew existed. There’s no need to thank me. I do this kind of thing out the goodness of my heart.

Books I read and enjoyed in October

I only decided to keep a record part way through the month, so this list isn’t as long as it might be. These three books are all ones I recommend reading – if your tastes are anything like mine that is!


Ann Cleeves – A Lesson in Dying

Richard Osman – The Bullet that Missed

Claire Douglas – The Woman Who Lied

I’ve left reviews for them all on Amazon and Goodreads.

Wednesday word of the week – view

Here’s Gary photographing the view on one of our trips (er yes, he is stood just behind the sign warning of dangerous cliffs. He’s like that) View used in this context means what is seen from a particular point. Of course what we can see might be a row of overflowing bins, but usually it’s taken to refer to a picturesque, natural scene.

It can also mean the extent of visibility (his mistake was made in full view of his mother-in-law) a visual or mental survey (she viewed the results), an opinion or mental attitude (his mother-in-law held strong views about his intelligence) or with the aim of attaining something (she had a view to a divorce) or to bear something in mind (in view of what she’d seen him do).

viewing is an opportunity for a visual inspection, such as when house hunting. Once you’ve viewed it you might want to take a long term view of it’s suitability.

In view of the length of this post, I’ll stop now and fill the kettle with a view to making a nice pot of tea.

5 stars!

I’ve had a couple of reviews for my free mini mystery ebook already, including the 5 star one below, and a nice 4 star one on Goodreads. It got a 5 star ranking there as well. If you’ve not yet a copy, you can download it from Amazon and Apple here or here for other retailers.

Setting it free

UTT copy 2The cover created from an image I obtained after standing on a windy hill and went without tea for hours (well, more than one if you include walking to and from the location) to get, now has an ebook to go with it.

It’s only little and it’s free! You can download from Apple or Amazon here or get it from a variety of other platforms here.

Here’s the blurb –

Amelia Watson loves to solve mysteries and hates it when she’s unable to dig up the answers. That latter’s been the case recently, so it might be better if she didn’t try at all. That way she’d avoid the embarrassment of calling out the police when no crime had been committed.

But a man carried… OK, probably not the dead body it looked like, but definitely something, into the woods. His excuse for being there was a lie. It can’t really hurt to take her dog Bongo for another walk there and take a look – can it?

Wednesday word of the week – haiku

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry which traditionally have seventeen syllables and a seasonal reference. (The picture is of a Japanese anemone which flowers in my garden every autumn)

Don’t know about you

but I simply cannot do

a decent haiku
Can do better? (or worse – I’d like to see that!)

In Case You Wondered…

UTT copy 2… how me holding some prickly chestnuts on top of a windy hill (as mentioned in my last post) could possibly be connected with writing, here’s a look at my next cunning plan.

An Uncomfortable Moment

Z50_8288This morning, for the good of my writing career,  we went out to take a photo of me holding some chestnuts. This was uncomfortable for several reasons –

1) The cases are jolly prickly.

2) It took a while and –
a) I had to keep my arm out, so my shadow wasn’t in shot.
b) This happened at the top of a small hill where it was cold and windy.

3) No tea was available.

4) It’s a popular dog walking route and people noticed. In this case I didn’t think my usual get away with anything explanation of ‘I’m a writer’ would help.

Still, there’s just a chance that it will all be worth it…

Half a dozen at less than half price!

All of my novel ebooks are currently reduced to 99p/99c. Usual price is £3.49 / $4.99. Offer ends 16th October 2023.

Leave Nothing But Footprints

Sharing a campervan in the beautiful Welsh countryside sounds, idyllic and Jess always gets what she wants – but is Eliot more than she can handle?

Paint Me A Picture

Mavis, aged 53, is finally able to live her own life. Will she survive the freedom to do as she pleases?


Alice has always had the hots for firemen. Is that why Hamish lights her fire, or is it something more?

A romantic comedy with a few flames.

Escape To The Country

Can Duncan the Dishy Tractor driver and Aunt Jayne’s love potions mend Leah’s broken heart?

A countryside romance.

A Year And A Day

Stella doesn’t believe a word the gypsy said about her romantic future, especially the part about proving her predictions are true.

Acting Like A killer

Mystery fan Amelia Watson thinks she’s too busy for romance, until she meets Patrick Homes. And she thinks she enjoys murder until she witnesses the real thing.

Wednesday word of the week – Riffle

Hands up who thought I’d put an extra f in the title? Anyone? No? Oh, I was sure I’d catch someone out. Riffling, as you know, means to turn pages in quick succession (my book Paint Me a Picture is such a page turner you’re sure to riffle through it) to shuffle cards or something to do with gold washing. A riffle can also be a patch of waves or ripples (I particularly like that one)

Rifling on the other hand is putting spiral grooves in a gun barrel to make it more accurate (the gun in question could be a rifle, but they do it with other kinds too). Rifle can also mean to search and rob or carry off as booty. So someone might riffle through a gun inventory deciding which rifled rifle to rifle.