Daisy, daisy.

daisy-chainsOne of my stories, They’re Just Flowers, appears in the current (March) edition of Take a Break’s Fiction Feast. It’s featured on the cover too – I like it when they do that.

Sometimes I tell you the story behind the story, but in this case it’s not so simple.

Ages ago, I was visiting someone in hospital, when he pointed out the privacy curtains had pictures of boats on them.

“They make me feel seasick,” he said.

That seemed like something I could use in a storflowersy and I did try. Every now and then I look through unfinished stories to see if I can do anything with them.  The original hospital curtain inspired tale is still unfinished, but re-reading it prompted this story.

Are you beginning to see why authors sometimes pull a face when people ask, “Where do you get your ideas from?”.

14 thoughts on “Daisy, daisy.

  1. Congratulations, Patsy! This is a lovely story. I downloaded the page, zoomed in and read it. Wish I could have read the ending! I know what you mean about digging through unfinished stories, to see if they’re usable. I do the same thing!

  2. Well done Patsy! Lovely story.
    Very much looking forward to seeing you this weekend and to our ‘Meet the Author’ event 4-6pm on Sunday at the Cottage Hotel, Hope Cove. If any of your readers want to come along, they just need to phone the Cottage Hotel on 01548 561 555 or email them on info@hopecove.com – and book themselves in for ‘afternoon tea’.
    And very much looking forward to seeing that face you pull when someone asks: Where do you get your ideas from?

  3. Well done Patsy! Lovely story.
    Very much looking forward to seeing you this weekend and to our ‘Meet the Author’ event 4-6pm on Sunday at the Cottage Hotel, Hope Cove. If any of your readers want to come along, they just need to phone the Cottage Hotel on 01548 561 555 or email them on info@hopecove.com – and book themselves in for ‘afternoon tea’.
    And very much looking forward to seeing that face you pull when someone asks: Where do you get your ideas from?

  4. Someone asked me that question today, actually! My ideas tend to go around the houses before they form anything coherent – why make things easy for ourselves, eh? Congrats on another story published!

  5. Someone asked me that question today, actually! My ideas tend to go around the houses before they form anything coherent – why make things easy for ourselves, eh? Congrats on another story published!

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