Looking up, down under

winter Fast Fiction - Patsy's storyI have a story in the current issue of That’s Life! Fast Fiction – an Australian magazine. The idea for this came to me in the optician’s, where I overheard someone who’d just got their first pair of glasses and started wondering what differences it might make to their life.

Thanks to Glynis for sending me a scan of the page. The internet is great, isn’t it? It allows me to send work to a place I’ve never been, for that to be read by a friend I’ve never met and for her to be able to share it with me from the other side of the world. Must try and be less annoyed next time it won’t load something quite as quickly as I’d like.

12 thoughts on “Looking up, down under

  1. Congratulations!

    Back in the late 1990s, I went back to SF because there were lots of spec fic webzines with the submission guidelines on the web which took email submissions. So very much easier than doing it blind via snail mail.

    And of course I wouldn’t have my lovely crit group without the internet. Thank you Tim Berners Lee!

  2. Congratulations!

    Back in the late 1990s, I went back to SF because there were lots of spec fic webzines with the submission guidelines on the web which took email submissions. So very much easier than doing it blind via snail mail.

    And of course I wouldn’t have my lovely crit group without the internet. Thank you Tim Berners Lee!

  3. What a small world it is?
    How lovely to get inspiration from observing a (simple) situation – and then, taking it further, turning it into a story that sells.
    Well done, Patsy. Your conquest of global markets is amazing!

  4. What a small world it is?
    How lovely to get inspiration from observing a (simple) situation – and then, taking it further, turning it into a story that sells.
    Well done, Patsy. Your conquest of global markets is amazing!

  5. Brilliant. I curse technology too easily but oh my goodness I wouldn’t be without it now. All the advantages and online connections and friends I’ve made are so worth a few ‘cursy’ moments!
    Congratulations on your story sale. Fantastic. 🙂 xx

  6. Brilliant. I curse technology too easily but oh my goodness I wouldn’t be without it now. All the advantages and online connections and friends I’ve made are so worth a few ‘cursy’ moments!
    Congratulations on your story sale. Fantastic. 🙂 xx

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