Another double

TAB_7863Two of my stories are in the Christmas edition of Take a Break’s Fiction Feast. One of them is even mentioned on the cover and I do like to be a cover girl!

The Heat of a Lie was partly inspired by my own grandmother. She could always tell TAB_7865if I was, er, practising my fiction techniques. Maybe I should have wiped the jam smears off my face before trying to claim Mum hadn’t given me any tea?


The idea for Can I Really Do It? came from a discussion with a friend. She said something about me being far braver than her because I talk to groups, yet she was driving because I’m terribly nervous behind the wheel. We all have different fears don’t we – and need different motivation to overcome them.

0 thoughts on “Another double

  1. That looks good, must get that next time I’m in the shops. Well done, Patsy, and the image of you with jam around your chops is quite funny. Sometimes Alan comes walking into the kitchen with chocolate round his mouth now, and yet doesn’t mention he’s been dipping into the sweet dish.

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