Cake sheds, tea, and puffins

There are lots of mini sheds supplying cake, and sometimes lots of other food, drink and souvenirs too, on Orkney. They operate on an honesty basis – usually you leave cash, but some have the option to pay by card or other means. They’re always open (unlike the post boxes!) but if you arrive just after a walking group, there may not be much left.

The lemon drizzle and chocolate Brownie stars were very good – but I forgot to photograph them before there were only crumbs left.

We’ve been on the look out for puffins, and have seen some at a distance. They’re not very active at the moment. I suspect we’re at the period between nest building and hatching – hopefully we’ll get more sightings later in the trip.

There are no LPG pumps on Orkney and as we use that for cooking, heating, hot water, the fridge and making tea, that was something of a concern. We’ve solved the problem by investing in a portable gas stove. Each gas canister makes about ten pots of tea, we bought eight and plenty more are available here, so I think we’ll be OK for the next fortnight or so.

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