Orcadian orchids and other purple wild flowers

There are several forms of orchid which grow on Orkney. The most common, and in flower right now, are the brilliant magenta/purple Northern Marsh orchid (Dactylorhiza purpurella), and the Heath Spotted Orchid, which can look very similar except for the spots on its leaves, but may also come in paler shades – all vaguely purple.

There lots of other wildflowers in shades of pinky purple too, including sea thrift, clover, thistles of course, campion, meadow cranesbill, Jacob’s ladder.

Brace yourself for a seamless transition…

Mallows are another type of purple coloured wild flower. They grow abundantly where I live when I’m not in the van – between Portsmouth and Southampton on the south coast of England. They helped inspire the name of the village where my cosy crime series is set, and feature on the covers.

The first book in my cosy mystery series, Disguised Murder and Community Spirit in Little Mallow is currently on offer for 99p / 99c.

Here’s what some reviewers have said about it –

‘A fun read, with lots of clues and red herrings’ 5 stars

‘a darn good mystery to solve. It kept me guessing till the end’ 5 stars

‘a great read in the cozy crime genre. The characters are well developed, the pace is just perfect and Crystal’s (the main character) voice is strong throughout’ 5 stars

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