Reviewers wanted!

The second book in my cosy mystery series will be out in July, and I’ll have some advance reader copies (ARCs) on offer. These are free ebooks, given in advance of the release date, in exchange for honest reviews on or soon after the book is released.

In my case I’m asking for reviews on Amazon (and Goodreads too, if you have an account there). For this reason, to take part you’ll need an Amazon account which allows you to post reviews. (If you’re not sure, try downloading this free book and leaving a review for it.) I’ll also consider people who have a review site or blog.
The download links will be sent out in June, and reviews due by mid July. You don’t have to have read book 1 in the series, and aren’t obliged to give a positive review. I don’t pay for reviews, so all you’ll get out of it is a free read and my thanks.

If you’re interested, please contact me.

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