Want some cheap romance?

I can’t guarantee that your beloved will write you poetry or buy you flowers, but I can guarantee you some romance at a very affordable price.
Escape To The Country is currently available for 99p / 99c.

Here are a few things reviewers have said –

‘ lively humour and bubbling fun, that’s the gold, I loved this book. Smiled all the way to work on the train, smiled all the way home, sniggered happily more than once.’

‘ It’s a great story with characters that are written so well that you really care about them. I laughed, I cried and I shouted “no” at them several times as I joined them on their journey. I also got rather hungry with some of the food descriptions!’

‘ There is real warmth in this tale, the characters are believable, the dialogue good, and the story keeps its pace.’

‘Just the thing to cosy up to on a chilly night.’     Get it here.

Happy Valentine’s! x

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