Embracing Beige

chairDo you like my new office chair? My previous one was ten years old and falling apart, but was comfortable and I’d received most of my writing acceptances whilst sitting in it – so I got a new one exactly the same. Not that writers are superstitious or anything!

Don’t worry about all the books about ships you can see in the background, I share an office with my husband.

Perhaps you’re thinking the chair is more cream than beige and really if there’s any embracing going on the chair is the thing doing it. You have a point, but the day after Gary assembled it, I received a copy of Woman’s Weekly.

Woman's Weekly_8400

Woman's Weekly_8401My story Embracing Beige is in the 12th January issue. That’s unusual for me. My stories appear in the Fiction Special quite often, but rarely in the weekly magazine.

Happy new year! I hope 2016 is good for you, whether you’re making changes or carrying on in much the same way.


14 thoughts on “Embracing Beige

  1. Yes, great chair and perfect for Whizzing about in (as is your wont). Fabulous news about `Embracing Beige`- congratulations.

    (Why so many Ships, then, on your husband`s shelves? Cruising in, building… surely not a pirate)?

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