Poetic justice?

I very rarely write poetry and when I do it tends to be a bit unusual. There were my wedding vows (which oblige me to travel in a campervan and get me out of the housework) one about being a Scot living in London (despite the fact I’m not and never have) and one featuring zombies (real ones, not the undead). For that reason, although I’m keen on writing competitions, I very rarely enter poetry competitions.

I do find out about poetry competions though, as I mention all sorts of free to enter writing competitions on my blog. The Elmbridge Literary competition included a category for poetry which could send a shiver down the spine. That sounded like my sort of thing, and they offered nice prizes, so I had a go – and came third. Joint third actually, which suggests there might be someone else out there with an imagination like mine. Yikes!

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