Nearly there

Pictures taken on the route up to Scrabster, where we’ll catch the ferry. And yes, this is still writing related as in addition to writing on route I’m also scouting out a location for a future book in my cosy mystery series. And yes, I’ll be using those two excuses a lot over the summer.

On the way

Here are some photos taken, at RHS Harlow Carr, on our way up north.

And here are some taken at the nearby Brimham Rocks, (and not Birnham stones or Brinkham Rocks, as we’ve been calling it!)

If words are more your thing than pictures, you might like this book of mine, which is currently on sale for 99p / 99c

Wednesday word of the week – Rollick

Rollick means to behave in a carefree, boisterous manner or to have a frolicksome adventure.

I often have a rollicking good time on our campervan adventures (I’ll spare you the details of any frolicking which may occur)

Heading north

Actually I’m already quite a way north, but these pictures were taken at Stowe Gardens on the way up. They’re writing related, because I’ve included some of The Muses, and Shakespeare – but mainly because I’m not just swanning around in the campervan. I’m going to do A LOT of writing, when we get where we’re going.

Crime In mind

I have a new short story collection out today!
Crime In Mind contains 24 short stories, and is a sister publication to Criminal Intent. If you like one, I’m sure you’ll like the other.

Here’s the blurb –

There are a huge variety of crimes, committed for many different reasons. Those which seem justified or are at least understandable. Others for which there can be no possible excuse. Some crimes are calculated and deliberate, others unplanned or even accidental. More still are planned but don’t happen. Then there’s behaviour so bad it’s against all moral laws even if not technically illegal.

There are also multiple ways for the criminal to be caught out or made to pay for what they’ve done. The police, an amateur detective or even their victim might bring them to justice. And sometimes the perpetrator gets away with it.

Criminals, victims, and agents of law and order each have a story to tell. This book contains 24 of them.

As with all my books, except the free ones, Crime In Mind is available as as ebook, paperback or through kindle unlimited. You can also order it from bookshops, or request it in your local library. (I really hope some people do that – I’m a big fan of libraries!)

I’ve had one early review on Goodreads – and it’s 5 stars! “Short stories with a hint of crime, most quite amusing & one or two quite dark. I got a few good laughs as well.”

Wednesday word of the week – Stopple

stopple is a stopper or plug, usually for a bottle. We seem to have quite a few. I’ve no idea if they work – once our wine is open, we drink it rather than go round stoppling it.

Actually stopple is the verb as well as the noun, but however you say it, it seems an odd thing to do.

Flower power

Yesterday I gave a talk to a local gardening club, about gardening as inspiration for my writing. Here’s me arriving with some of my props (picked from our garden).

There were 62 people present – the largest group I’ve ever addressed, and it’s been a long time since I did any kind of public speaking. I’m not sure exactly how long, but it was prior to the COVID lockdowns.

I was just a little nervous to start with, but everyone was very friendly and it was fine once I got going. It was lovely to meet some of the club members afterwards and I had some interesting questions, as well as a few compliments.

The people I spoke to might now be wondering if they’ll end up in a story. Yes – they probably will!

Make or Break

A story of mine was in last week’s issue of My Weekly. It’s another crime story.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s a good idea to share the inspiration behind my stories. Not that I’ve got anything to hide of course.’ll just stop talking now, before I make things any worse…

Wednesday word of the week – Aardwolf

An aardwolf is a grey and black stripy, African animal, related to hyenas. It eats insects (up to 250 termites per sitting) and is nocturnal. They’re rather cute. I’m sorry I don’t have a picture – next time I’m wandering the scrublands of Easterm Africa at night, I’ll be sure to put that right.

I mention them because stories, amongst other things, are often listed alphabetically and being near the top can be an advantage in some situations and aardvarks have been overused for that purpose.

Three points are on offer to the first person to write a story titled, ‘Adam the Aardwolf’s Amazing Adventures Amongst the Agave in Aberystwyth.’

A cheap health bill!

The ebook of my short story collection A Clean Bill Of Health is currently on sale for 99p / 99c
Here’s the blurb – 

Our health is important, we all know that, even if we sometimes take it for granted. There are so many factors which can affect our health. Things we can help, and things we can’t, from infection, smoking, depression and anxiety to excess weight, accident, injury or conditions we’re born with. All can take a toll on our mental or physical wellbeing.

Lynne doesn’t seek prompt help due to embarrassment over the position of her boil, George worries the strange rash is a result of being bewitched and Emelie thinks she’s the cause of her sister’s avian obsession. Mr Thirlwall’s imagination is running away with him. Helena’s family are a pain in the abdomen. Jack is his own worst enemy. Things do get better for all of them – once their issues are diagnosed and assistance is accepted.

No matter what ails us, there are treatments, coping strategies and cures. The characters in this book explore a few and find ways to feel better, no matter what their medical situation. Whether sick or well, making things worse, helping ourselves or others, we all have stories to tell. This book contains 24 of them.

Get it here.

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