On the ferry

We had a really smooth crossing on the Hamnavoe from Scrabster to Stromness. What with almost surreal calm, minky whales gently rising into view, and tantalising mist, we couldn’t help believing this trip will be worth the five year wait.

On the way

Here are some photos taken, at RHS Harlow Carr, on our way up north.

And here are some taken at the nearby Brimham Rocks, (and not Birnham stones or Brinkham Rocks, as we’ve been calling it!)

If words are more your thing than pictures, you might like this book of mine, which is currently on sale for 99p / 99c

Heading north

Actually I’m already quite a way north, but these pictures were taken at Stowe Gardens on the way up. They’re writing related, because I’ve included some of The Muses, and Shakespeare – but mainly because I’m not just swanning around in the campervan. I’m going to do A LOT of writing, when we get where we’re going.

Make or Break

A story of mine was in last week’s issue of My Weekly. It’s another crime story.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s a good idea to share the inspiration behind my stories. Not that I’ve got anything to hide of course.’ll just stop talking now, before I make things any worse…

A cheap health bill!

The ebook of my short story collection A Clean Bill Of Health is currently on sale for 99p / 99c
Here’s the blurb – 

Our health is important, we all know that, even if we sometimes take it for granted. There are so many factors which can affect our health. Things we can help, and things we can’t, from infection, smoking, depression and anxiety to excess weight, accident, injury or conditions we’re born with. All can take a toll on our mental or physical wellbeing.

Lynne doesn’t seek prompt help due to embarrassment over the position of her boil, George worries the strange rash is a result of being bewitched and Emelie thinks she’s the cause of her sister’s avian obsession. Mr Thirlwall’s imagination is running away with him. Helena’s family are a pain in the abdomen. Jack is his own worst enemy. Things do get better for all of them – once their issues are diagnosed and assistance is accepted.

No matter what ails us, there are treatments, coping strategies and cures. The characters in this book explore a few and find ways to feel better, no matter what their medical situation. Whether sick or well, making things worse, helping ourselves or others, we all have stories to tell. This book contains 24 of them.

Get it here.

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Down to business

I’ve got business cards! Aren’t they nice?
If you come along to the book fair at Lee Hub (the old library in Lee-on-the-Solent) on Saturday you can see them (and me) for real – and buy books from a variety of great local authors. I believe that tea and cake will also be available!

Aunt Glenda’s Cottage

Aunt Glenda’s Cottage is the name of my story in the current (May) issue of Take A Break’s Fiction Feast.
Isn’t that a lovely illustration – and very much how I imagined the cottage as I wrote the story.

This particular tale began life as an entry for my local writing group’s short story competition. At least, that was the plan! We had to include beads, baubles and boxes, which I had no trouble with (Glenda has plenty in her attic).

The problem was that the story had to be no more than 1,000 words, and this one is nearly double that. I rewrote it for the magazine, and created a new one for the competition (which won!).

Both were crime stories, using the same prompt, and involved attics and a bully, but are far more different than that might make them sound.

Getting ready

This morning I’m drinking tea and studying book one in my cosy mystery series. The tea part is standard for me (there are two cups, because I always make two and if Gary isn’t awake yet, I drink both).

I’m looking at my book, because I have a radio interview about it later this morning, and hope to sound as though I know what I’m talking about! That’s harder than it sounds as I’ve not long finished editing book two, and as it’s the same location and many characters recur, it would be easy to get them mixed up.

After the interview, I’ll be home for a much needed cup of tea and breakfast, and will get back to work on book three.

Reviewers wanted!

The second book in my cosy mystery series will be out in July, and I’ll have some advance reader copies (ARCs) on offer. These are free ebooks, given in advance of the release date, in exchange for honest reviews on or soon after the book is released.

In my case I’m asking for reviews on Amazon (and Goodreads too, if you have an account there). For this reason, to take part you’ll need an Amazon account which allows you to post reviews. (If you’re not sure, try downloading this free book and leaving a review for it.) I’ll also consider people who have a review site or blog.
The download links will be sent out in June, and reviews due by mid July. You don’t have to have read book 1 in the series, and aren’t obliged to give a positive review. I don’t pay for reviews, so all you’ll get out of it is a free read and my thanks.

If you’re interested, please contact me.